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Wheel of ther Year download - featuring a full image showing the whole 'Wheel of the Year' plus individual cards/illustrations showing each of the 8 'sabbats' - Imbolc, Beltane, Ostara, Litha, Mabon, Lammas and Yule.   Beautifully illustrated by Ellie Lewis Illustrator exclusively  for Catkin & co. 


I hope to have printed versions of the set avaliable along with a 'guide' full of activities in the coming months.


'The Wheel of the Year' is an ancient Celtic calendar based on festivals that celebrated people's connection with nature - no religion or certain beliefs are needed to celebrate. Helping children connect with the rhythms of nature has many benefits and by celebrating festivals our ancestors marked, when peoples activities were more closely tied to nature, is an engaging way of doing this.

Festivals/celebrations - Imbolc, Beltane, Ostara, Litha, Mabon, Lammas and Yule.


Wheel of the Year

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